Bad Patient Portal

A unique solution for doctors. Search a database of patients to see if you want to work with them in your practice. Currently, it is only available for physicians (MD/DO).

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Promoting Ethical Care

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Patient safety and trust are paramount in healthcare. Our ‘Report Bad Patient’ feature allows healthcare professionals to confidentially report concerning behavior. We uphold strict ethical standards, ensuring that reports are thoroughly reviewed, and patient privacy is maintained. Together, we strive to maintain a safe and respectful healthcare environment for all.

Your input helps protect the integrity of healthcare. By reporting bad patient behavior, you contribute to a safer, more accountable medical community. Together, we uphold the highest standards of care and professionalism

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Discover a platform where knowledge meets compassion. Our medical forum is a space where you can seek answers, share experiences, and foster connections with a diverse community of healthcare enthusiasts. Join us today and be a part of the conversation that empowers and informs.

Leveling the playing field

Creating Better Healthcare Experiences

Our platform offers several key benefits, including in-person behavior monitoring, the ability to identify and avoid bad actors, and ensuring compliance with ethical and legal standards. We prioritize a safe, accountable, and professional healthcare environment for all users.

In-Person Behavior

Review how a particular patient behaved during the office visit and deicide if you want to take on this patient in your practice.

Online Behavior

Find out what patient is saying about previous provider on social medial in order to decide if this is something you want any part of in your practice.

Avoiding bad actors

This portal will help providers make better decision as to whom they allow in their clinic. A patient with history unacceptable behavior towards other providers should not be allowed to enter the office.


Limit the "know it all" patients in your practice. Compliance with treatment plays a huge role in insurance reimbursement in 2023.